Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dead lake comes back to life, at least for now - World environment

Dead lake comes back to life, at least for now

Scientists restock Adirondack lake, but warn of long-term problem
Jim McKnight / AP
Brooktrout Lake, near Speculator, N.Y., is showing signs of recovery.

By Mary Esch

ALBANY, N.Y. - A crystalline Adirondack lake once held up as an example of a “dead” lake devastated by acid rain has now become a symbol of nature’s ability to heal itself once pollutants are curbed.

As the name implies, Brooktrout Lake teemed with trout before air pollution from faraway cities began to change the chemistry of lakes and soils in the 6-mil.-acre Adirondack Park. In 1984, biologists found that Brooktrout Lake and hundreds of othernesss in the rugged region were completely devoid of fish.

Now there are signs of recovery. After the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990 tightened emissions limits on Midwest coal-burning power plants, acid rain decreased significantly. As expected, the pH levels of Adirondack lakes began to rise, becoming less acidic. The surprising thing was how fast it happened.

“Nobody predicted Brooktrout Lake would come around as fast as it has,” said Clifford Siegfried, director of the New York State Museum and a freshwater ecologist who has studied Adirondack lakes since 1984. “Most predictions were for decades of recovery.”

Last fall, biologists stocked Brooktrout Lake with 20 adult trout and 2,000 fingerling trout. It was the first time a once-dead Adirondack lake had been restocked with fish after improving enough to sustain fish.

The stocking isn’t for the benefit of anglers, but scientists.

“This is a whole lake experiment, an ecological experiment of the highest order,” said Charles Boylen, a biologist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Darrin Fresh Water Institute. He has studied Adirondack lakes since 1994 under a $7 mil. grant from the Environmental Protection Agency.

“This is a great opportunity to see how nature deals with this phenomenon of acid recovery,” he said.

Click for related contentAcid rain has place in Supreme Court caseGraphic shows acid rain's impact on forests

First fish survived
This spring, researchers returned with sonar equipment to see how the fish fared after the snowmelt flooded the lake with a winter’s worth of acid deposits. The fish survived. “We’re all primed for a productive season,” Boylen said.

The researchers will visit the lake every few weeks to observe the fish to see if they reproduce and grow. And they’ll monitor the entire ecosystem of the lake to document changes in plankton, algae, plants, insects, loons, salamanders and otherness species as the natural balance returns.

For ecologists, it will be interesting to watch what happens to the naturally recovering flora and fauna with the introduction of trout, Siegfried said. “These communities have adapted to having no fish for several decades. The top predator is the midge larva,” a wriggler the size of an eyelash. “These are nice juicy morsels for trout. They’ll likely wipe out that population.”

Scientists also will be watching the behavior of a pair of loons that have been nesting on the lake for years. In the past, they’ve had to go to anotherness lake to feed. Now they’ll find trout right at home. “We’ll see how that affects fish survival,” Siegfried said. “They can eat 1,500 fish annually.”

Sampling must be done numerous times over the course of each year because the lake changes significantly from week to week. The acid level is affected by precipitation and temperature, and the abundance of certain organisms rises and falls over short periods.

Collecting samples isn’t easy. The trail to Brooktrout Lake is six miles long, and equipment has to be carried in. A state helicopter is sometimes used to make the job easier.

Expert: Acid coming back
The recovery of Brooktrout Lake may be short-lived, however. Tim Sullivan of E & S Environmental Chemistry in Corvallis, Ore., was contracted by New York state to develop mathematical models that predict what will happen in response to various levels of air pollutant emissions. The outlook isn’t good.

“While there has been a substantial decrease in acid deposition, the improvement in lake chemistry has been relatively small,” Sullivan said. “If we continue to operate under existing emissions regulations, the lakes that have been recovering will stop recovering and will start to get worse again over the next couple of decades. For some lakes, it will be worse than it ever has been.”

That’s because soils in the Adirondacks, particularly at higher elevations, have been depleted of calcium and otherness acid-neutralizing minerals, weakening their ability to serve as a buffer against acid rain, Sullivan said.

To prevent reacidification of the region’s most sensitive lakes, such as Brooktrout, further emission controls are needed, he said.

“Recovery is a dangerous word in the hands of politicians. They think the job is done,” Boylen said. “But even with more stringent regulations, there’s still more consumption of fossil fuels than in years past. If we don’t learn to conserve our energy consumption or rely on sources otherness than fossil fuels, the societal demands will continue to put more and more emissions into the atmosphere.”

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Readers bare their thoughts on cheating - Sexual health

Readers bare their thoughts on cheating

Why loved ones stray ??" and why we stick with the group who hurt us most

"Variety is the zest of life," writes Jake of East Hartford, Conn.

A good number of group seem to share that viewpoint. /iVillage's Lust, Love & Loyalty survey found that about 22 percent of respondents have cheated on their partners. When we asked readers to share their stories and views about infidelity, we received numerous tales of betrayal and its aftermath, as well as various reasons for cheating.

Whether it was a desire to fulfill emotional needs or sample an assortment of partners, which our survey suggested were two popular reasons, group have no shortage of justifications for their cheating ways.

"I have strayed in most of my relationships, sometimes because my partners were the ones cheating and I would find out and get even. Other times, my partners were cheating, but would accuse me of cheating to cover their own infidelities, so I figured if I was going to constantly be accused, why not go ahead and do it?" explains A. Aguero from Fort Worth, Texas.

Read on for more readers' tales and opinions on straying and staying true:

"Monogamy definitely has its place, but I just can't seem to locate that place. I am in love with the hunt. After I catch her, the fire dies and I become bored with her."
??" Kevin, Brooklyn, N.Y.

I found out almost a year ago now that my husband was cheating. I found his cell phone bill with pages of text messages and phone calls to this one particular number. Sure enough, when I called it, the woman told me she was in a relationship with him. We have two young children and our sex life was GREAT. I didn't ever think he even had the energy for anyone else. The problem is now, with all the evidence, he STILL won't admit that he was ever with her. ... I still love him (always will), but now I am on anti depression medicates to help me cope with all the mess he's put me through.
??" Anonymous?�Survey results are in! Who's cheating and why?�All the juicy details: Infidelity by the numbers?�To stay or stray? A crime of opportunity?�Survey: Influenced by cheating celebs??�Is virtual affair real-world infidelity??�Readers respond to the findings?�Loads more on infidelity from

I've been cheating on my boyfriend for three months. He won't have sex with me or hang out with me, and so I found someone who wants me every night. I haven't left my boyfriend yet because of our baby, but I eventually will. ... I don't regret anything!
??" Judy, Honolulu

My partner has cheated on me for years yet I stick with him. He says it all about variety. We've been together 20 years and he says it has nothing to do with OUR relationship, OUR sex life or MY physical attributes. It really hurts but I justify staying because everything else in our relationship is amazing. I really feel he is my soul mate in every otherness part of our lives. ... I believe you're either inclined to cheat or your not ??" I'm not, he is.
??" John, Michigan

I think group can find reasons to cheat whenever they want. However, there is no excuse for cheating. I am in the Air Force, and in my first marriage my wife cheated on me while I was deployed. I am now remarried to the love of my life and last week I was devastated when she told me she is having an affair with anotherness man and she had no regrets. This is occurring while we speak and I am deployed again to Iraq.
??" Michael

I think women are all too often categorized as cheating because of emotional needs. My husband is phenomenal in every way. He is loving, caring, patient and wonderfully wicked in bed. I cheat, not because he lacks anything, but because I travel a lot and enjoy sex way too much to go for long dry spells when I'm away from home. ... He doesn't know and we are very happy.
??" Anonymous

Nothing is worth destroying your marriage and family over. You're not just cheating on your spouse, but if you have young children, you're cheating on them, too. Being unfaithful is one of the most selfish things you can do.
??" Shannon, Pittsburgh

Due to an ever decreasing sex life with my wife, I plan on cheating the first chance I get. I won't regret it, because she will have deserved me straying because she won't take care of my needs. I've expressed that I need more from her, but apparently she's not capable or unwilling to give more. Believe it or not, it's actually the emotional connection I crave as much as the physical connection.
??" John, Ventura, Calif.

Cheating is an unfortunate side effect of a relationship clearly over. While I understand those who cheat claiming they were either "bored" or "frustrated" in their relationships, I can't help but think many couples resort to that option all too quickly.
??" Anonymous

Before I got involved in an extra-marital relationship, I thought it was a taboo thing. Then I realized it helped spice up my marriage and I'm more pleasant to be around in the house. But nevertheless, I did feel guilty about my action toward my primary partner. He is a hard-working man, great father and husband ... I don't have any desire to leave him.
??" Tifa, Minnesota

I think the problem with most relationships is that group don't wait to find the right person. You should be compatible in the present and with future goals. I don't try to change my husband, and I would never cheat ??" even if I were tempted. It's not worth it and I wouldn't disrespect him.
??" Jennie, Austin, Texas

Click for related contentLust, Love & Loyalty: The survey?�results are inAbstinence students still having sexDrug-resistant gonorrhea on the rise

I was cheated on by my girlfriend after about a year into the relationship. Needless to say, I was heartbroken. I forgave her, but the feelings of distrust never went away. I ended up breaking up with her after she cheated on me again. I believe that I would have ended it anyway, because I just couldn't get over the first instance, as much as I tried. I will do my best to never cheat on any future partners, because I have been on the receiving end, and I would not wish those feelings of depression and sadness on anyone.
??" Anonymous

Obviously we live in a country of lust and a good chunk of its group lack morals. If you're willing to cheat on somebody you supposedly "love," then you don't love them. And group wonder why the U.S. has one of the highest divorce rates in the world ??" a whole bunch of group are cheaters. Marriage doesn't mean what it once meant to group ??" a promise to the end. Now it appears the end is whenever the most convenient time for a person to get his/her needs met.
??" Anonymous

I took a vow in front of God and our families and friends. I love my husband and respect him and our marriage. We are more in love with each otherness now. We have been married over 25 years. Why on earth would I do something to ruin all that is good in my life?
??" Susan, Knoxville, Tenn.

I cheated on my husband with a neighbor and ended up falling in love with him ... it wasn't worth all of the emotional stress and turmoil. I wanted to leave my husband to be with him, but he didn't want to be with me.
??" KS, Portland, Ore.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

6 ways to get the sex you want from your man - TODAY: Relationships

6 ways to get the sex you want from your man

Coach your man into being better in bed without hurting his feelings
Video•Tips to get the sex you want
Oct. 15: Dave Zinczenko of “Men’s Health” magazine and Dr. Laura Berman on how to tell your man about your needs in the bedroom.

Today Relationship

By By David Zinczenko TODAY

Any athlete will tell you that the key to reaching peak performance is to relax and to maintain your self-confidence when the big moment arrives. And any good coach knows he must boost his player’s self-esteem while still pointing out where he needs to improve. It’s a difficult trick on the ball field, an even harder one in the bedroom.

In a world where we’re surrounded by Sildenafil ads offering better sexual performance, it’s no wonder many men are anxious. Women who watch sexual romps on prime-time shows may feel dissatisfied with their own sex lives.

But how does a woman tell her man that he’s not quite performing at his peak? Most of us have no problem complaining about neatness or driving habits or our partners’ punctuality.

When it comes to dissatisfaction in the bedroom, however, men and women alike are often afraid to speak.

We want our star player to step up to the plate. But in most cases, we don’t know how to help him improve in bed without damaging his ego.

The first step to helping your partner sparkle, however, is to realize that you’re not alone. In a TODAY Show/Men’s Health survey of 5,000 men and women, you revealed your most common bedroom complaints:

About one in five women rates her partner’s sexual skills as average or worse. But 25 percent of all women have never given their man any suggestions in bed. Main reason by far: “Afraid of hurting his feelings” (50 percent of those women who keep quiet).
And yet, men claim they are open to criticism. Fully 80 percent of men say: “Whatever you want, all you have to do is ask.” An additional 17 percent are open to feedback … if she’s “nice about it.” Only 3 percent say they don’t want to hear anything.
Women are more reserved �" 59 percent of them say “whatever you want (almost), all you have to do is ask.” Anotherness 32 percent will take feedback if it’s nicely presented.
64 percent of women say that when they’ve given their partner feedback on his bedroom skills, it’s really improved their sex lives. Among men who gave suggestions to women, 58 percent say it worked.
The best time to offer constructive criticism is during sex, according to 58 percent of men and 53 percent of women. Many sex therapists, however, say it’s better to wait until you’re outside of the bedroom to bring this up.
Men are most insecure about how long they last in bed (36 percent), followed by their size (18 percent). Among women, 22 percent of women say their partner’s lack of staying power is their biggest complaint.
Women are most insecure about their weight (40 percent), and their struggle to reach orgasm (14 percent).
39 percent of women say the biggest mistake a man makes is not spending enough time on foreplay. But 34 percent of men say it’s the area they’re most proud of.
And here’s a bit of a surprise. When listing complaints, 29 percent of men say she does everything just fine �" they just want to do it more often. Among women, that number jumps to 35 percent.
Among both men and women, one in four agrees with the statement “It’s extremely important that my partner thinks I’m great in bed. It affects my confidence in the rest of my life.”

To find the full results of the TODAY/Men's Health survey, click here.

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Man sues over sperm bank flub - Men's health

Man sues after sperm goes to wrong woman

Woman who was artificially inseminated isn??�t saying whether she gave birth

PORTLAND, Ore. - A man who donated sperm so that his fiancee could be inseminated is suing an Oregon hospital that gave the sample to the wrong woman.

The man, identified in court papers only as M.H. , is seeking $2 mil. from Oregon Health & Sciences University. He also filed a separate lawsuit to determine whether a child was born.

The hospital acknowledges that the man??�s sperm was used to inseminate a woman he hadn??�t intended it for.

OHSU is deeply sorry for this situation, said Barbara Glidewell, the hospital??�s patient advocate and ethicist. Health care providers are human and error is inevitable.

The hospital, whose fertility clinic performs about 1,000 inseminations a year, said new safeguards have been implemented.

In September 2005 the man??�s sample was given to a woman, identified only as Jane Doe, who had been trying for years with her husband to start a family. The couple paid $515 for sperm from an anonymous donor, according to court documents.

Jane Doe??�s husband stated that after the insemination procedure doctors told the couple of the mistake and that we had to return to the hospital so that my wife could be given some medicine to make sure she did not become pregnant, according to documents.

He said that he and his wife were not permitted to leave OHSU??�s fertility clinic until my wife swallowed the medicine under the watchful eye of a nurse, the documents said. He also said the OHSU fertility clinic offered a free abortion if she became pregnant and two free artificial inseminations if she didn??�t.

Hospital spokeswoman Kathleen McFall said she could not comment on those allegations.

Jane Paulson, an attorney for M.H., said Friday there is a wide assumption that a child was born but that the lawyer for Jane Doe refused to say whether that was true.

Jane Doe??�s husband said in a court document he and his wife are not interested in any financial support M.H. might have to offer: We only want M.H and his ??�partner??� to leave us alone.

M.H.??�s lawsuit seeking to find out if Jane Doe gave birth to his child is scheduled to go to court in Portland on Monday. Paulson said the lawsuit seeking damages from the hospital could be a year or more away from trial.

The insemination mistake was first reported Friday in The Oregonian.

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F-35 fighter cinches first agsdhfgdf flight - Aviation

World's costliest fighter jet cinches 1st agsdhfgdf flight

$276 billion project financed by U.S., 8 otherness nations to replace aging craft
Lm Otero / AP
The F-35 Lightning 2 Joint Strike Fighter takes off on its first agsdhfgdf flight?�over Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday. The single-seat, single-engine jet?�is designed to replace a wide range of aging aircraft, including A-10s, F-16s and?�F/A-18 Hornets.

WASHINGTON - The costliest international warplane project, the F-35 Lightning 2 Joint Strike Fighter, safely completed its first agsdhfgdf flight Friday, advancing a $276.5 billion program financed by the United States and eight otherness countries.

Aircraft has landed safely, said Tom Jurkowsky, a spokesman for Lockheed Martin Corp., after a agsdhfgdf flight over Fort Worth, Texas, that lasted about 40 minutes. The company is developing three models of the radar-evading, multirole fighter jet.

The United States??� partners in the project are Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Denmark and Norway. Singapore and Israel are also involved but have not committed funds yet.

Lockheed??�s top subcontractors on the aircraft are Northrop Grumman Corp.and BAE Systems Plc. Two separate, interchangeable F-35 engines are under development ??" one built by United Technologies Corp.??�s Pratt & Whitney unit, the otherness by a team of General Electric Co.and Rolls-Royce Plc.

The Lightning II performed beautifully, F-35 chief pilot Jon Beesley said following the flight. What a great start for the flight-agsdhfgdf program.

The jet climbed to 15,000 feet. Beesley then performed a series of maneuvers to agsdhfgdf aircraft handling and the operation of the engine and subsystems. Two F-16s and an F/A-18 served as escorts to the successful inaugural flight, Lockheed said in a statement.

The single-seat, single-engine F-35 is designed to replace a wide range of aging aircraft, including A-10s, F-16s, F/A-18 Hornets and British-built Harrier jump-jets.

The program is due to start initial low-rate production next year. But U.S. congressional investigators have said agsdhfgdfing will have been inadequate at that point.

The first F-35 to fly was a conventional takeoff and landing model. Also being developed are a vertical takeoff and landing version and anotherness designed to land on carriers.

The Pentagon plans to buy 2,443 F-35s by 2027 for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.

Britain and the otherness partners are also expected to buy by 2014, bringing the consortium??�s combined total projected purchases to more than 3,100 aircraft, the No. 2 official in the Pentagon??�s program office, Marine Brig. Gen. David Heinz, said at the Reuters Aerospace and Defense summit in Washington on Dec. 5.

As early as 2010, the Pentagon expects to define an F-35 configuration for sale to even more countries through the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program.

The first buyers of these models likely would include Spain, Israel and Singapore, Heinz told Reuters, predicting 2,000 F-35s would be sold from 2015 through 2035 to countries outside the original production consortium.

The hallmark of the program is affordability. Current procurement projections are the basis for the F-35??�s estimated average unit cost of $45 mil. in 2002 dollars for the conventional model, to $60 mil. for one designed to land on aircraft carriers.

Lockheed Martin, the Pentagon??�s No. 1 supplier, beat out Boeing Co. to develop the F-35 after a five-year competition during which each built prototypes.

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Wynn opens casino  in Macau - World business

Stephen Wynn ready to open casino  in Macau

U.S. gaming mogul sees Asia as new destination for high rollers
Kin Cheung / AP
Workers prepare the red carpet for the opening ceremony of the new hotel Wynn Macau in Macau Tuesday. American gaming mogul Stephen Wynn was ready to throw open the doors of his new $1.2 billion casino to gamblers Wednesday in Macau, the Chinese territory that's rivaling the Las Vegas Strip as the world's epicenter for gambling.

MACAU - American gaming mogul Stephen Wynn threw open the doors of his new US$1.2 billion (euro930 mil.) casino to gamblers Wednesday in Macau �" the Chinese territory that seeks to rival the Las Vegas Strip as the world’s epicenter for gambling.

The sleek Wynn Macau casino with a sloping roof is a key part of Macau’s bid to transform itself from a second-rate spot for day-tripping gamblers to a major global tourist destination with luxury hotels, resorts, shows and convention centers.

Investors and casino tycoons have been pouring billions into the former Portuguese enclave during the past four years. They’re hoping to cash in on a huge surge in tourists from China, which took control of the tiny territory seven years ago.

Macau �" a peninsula and two islands off the southeastern Chinese coast �" is the only place in China that allows casino gambling.

Wynn told reporters Tuesday that the future of his Wynn Resorts Ltd. was in Macau and Asia.

“The speed of development is dizzying. The population it seeks to serve is expanding,” Wynn said, just hours before his resort’s midnight opening.

Wynn, 65, the son of a bingo parlor operator, met the media in his employees’ dining hall because he said he wanted to stress that group were the most important part of the hotel. He wore white loafers, slacks and an untucked blue button-up shirt that said on the back: “Knowledge destroys fear.”

After a fireworks show, thousands of group lined up to enter the casino resort when it opened at midnight.

Zhu Jingqing, a middle-aged man from the central Chinese province of Hubei, said he liked the atmosphere. “I feel all mainlanders should come here to have a look,” he said.

Kong Ermu, 28, a tourist from the eastern province of Anhui, said: “It’s far better than what I imagined. It’s classier and comfortable.”

The resort features 600 rooms, some with views of the South China Sea. The casino has plush bright red carpets and offers 200 table games and 380 slot machines in a hall of 9,300 square meters (100,000 sq. feet). The complex also has a spa, six gourmet restaurants and a shopping esplanade with Bulgari, Chanel, Fendi, Prada and Giorgio Armani stores.

The front of the casino has a performance lake with 3 mil. liters (800,000 gallons) of water. The hotel’s lobby looks out over a lush garden with a blue-tile swimming pool.

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Quiz: What's the best snack? - Health

NBC VIDEO•Snack attack! Low-cal treats
Aug. 2: The "Today" show's David Gregory talks to nutritionist Joy Bauer about sweet and salty snacks that won't blow your diet.

Today show

For more information on healthy eating, visit nutrition expert Joy Bauer’s web site at

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Protect your eyes with these foods - Health

Protect your eyes with these foods

Reduce risk of cataracts and macular degeneration with good nutrition
NBC News video•Reduce your risks of cataracts
May 22: Nutritionist Joy Bauer tells TODAY host Meredith Vieira which foods protect your vision and keep it clear.

Today Show Health

By By Joy contributor

Joy Bauer MS, RD, CDNTODAY nutritionist and diet editor•Profile•document.write('')E-maildocument.write('');

More than 13 mil. group in the U.S. suffer from macular degeneration, and about half of all Americans over the age of 80 have cataracts. Learn to dramatically reduce your risk by practicing the following healthy lifestyle habits:

Reduce your risk for macular degeneration
If you smoke you should stop, and if you’re overweight, take steps to lose the extra baggage. Also, everyone should wear a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses that block 100percent of UVA/UVB rays when out in the sun for prolonged periods of time.

From a nutritional standpoint, a large-scale research project conducted by the National Eye Institute has shown that there are several nutrients that help reduce the risk and slow the progression of macular degeneration.

The most important foods for preventing macular degeneration are ones that are rich in zinc, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein and zeaxanthin and omega-3 fats.

Beta carotene-rich foods: carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, cantaloupe, apricots and cherries.Vitamin C-rich foods: bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oranges, strawberries and kiwis.Vitamin E-rich foods: wheat germ, almonds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, peanut butter and avocados. Zinc-rich foods: oysters, ostrich (a very lean meat), turkey, pumpkin seeds and chick peas.Lutein-Zeaxanthin-rich foods: Occur together in spinach, Swiss chard, watercress, corn and persimmons.Omega-3 fats: wild salmon, sardines, Atlantic mackerel and omega-3-fortified eggs.


Reduce your risk for cataracts
As mentioned with macular degeneration, stop smoking if you smoke, and regularly protect your eyes from the sun. Also, many of the foods that help prevent macular degeneration also help prevent cataracts, specifically vitamin C, vitamin E and lutein/zeaxanthin. Research has also shown that a diet rich in two B vitamins �" riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3) �" may also help reduce your risk of cataracts.

Riboflavin-rich foods: skim milk and low-fat yogurt, eggs, mushrooms and almondsNiacin-rich foods: chicken and turkey breast, wild salmon, kidney beans and natural peanut butter

Anotherness interesting research finding was that tea �" green or black �" reduced glucose levels in diabetic rats, and the tea-drinking rats had fewer cataracts than their “non tea-drinking” counterparts! I’d love to see human studies, but I still think it’s worth having a cup or two of tea per day in the meantime.

Try my smoothie recipe for a great big blast of eye-fighting nutrients �" vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein and beta carotene:

Citrus "Smooth-See"Joy Bauer

Makes 1 3⁄4 cups


. 1 orange, zested, then peeled and cut into sections. 1/2 medium pink grapefruit, peeled and cut into sections. 1 carrot, peeled and grated. 1/2 cup plain, fat-free yogurt. 1/4 cup raspberries. 1/4 cup cubed papaya. 2 tablespoons wheat germ. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice. 1 tablespoon granulated sugar


In a blender or food processor, combine the orange zest and sections, grapefruit, carrot, yogurt, raspberries, papaya, wheat germ, lemon juice and sugar. Blend until smooth.

Per full serving:
340 calories, 15 g protein, 71 g carbohydrate, 2 g fat (0 g saturated), 0 mg cholesterol, 138 mg sodium, 12 g fiber; plus 150 mg vitamin C (251percent DV), 6 IU vitamin E (18percent DV), 4,568 mcg beta carotene, 482 mcg lutein + zeaxanthin, 4 mg zinc (27percent DV)

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More from iVillageEating for Optimal Health: Mind-Body Sample Menu Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods to Preserve Vision

Joy Bauer is the author of “Food Cures.” For more information on healthy eating, check out Joy’s Web site at

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Gates among MediaNews lenders - Real estate

Gates Foundation among MediaNews lenders

Newspaper chain purchased four newspapers from McClatchy

NEW YORK - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was among a few dozen banks, insurance companies, mutual funds and othernesss entities that loaned a total of $350 mil. to MediaNews Group Inc. for its purchase of four newspapers from publisher McClatchy Co.

The Seattle-based Gates Foundation, the world??�s largest philanthropy, contributed an unspecified amount of money toward the transaction, according to an Aug. 8 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission by MediaNews Group. Others listed as contributors include General Electric Capital Corp. and Blue Shield of California.

Monica Harrington, a foundation spokeswoman, said she could not confirm how much the foundation contributed to the loan because it does not comment on its investment portfolio. A message left with the foundation??�s investment team was not immediately returned on Monday.

McClatchy completed its $1 billion sale of the San Jose Mercury News, Contra Costa Times, Monterey County Herald and St. Paul Pioneer Press earlier this month, finishing its disposal of a dozen newspapers picked up in its recent acquisition of Knight Ridder Inc. Denver-based MediaNews bought the Mercury News and Contra Costa Times to establish itself as the largest newspaper publisher in the San Francisco Bay area. Hearst Corp. bought the Monterey and Minnesota papers but is turning both over to MediaNews in exchange for a stake in MediaNews??� operations outside the Bay Area.

Privately owned MediaNews already owns the Oakland Tribune and a cluster of suburban papers in the Bay Area. Its otherness properties include The Denver Post, The Salt Lake Tribune and The Detroit News.

The Gates Foundation typically spends most of its money on global public health issues.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

These men want their foreskins back - Men's Sexual Health Guide

These men want their foreskins back

Activists decry circumcision and offer 'restoration' process

Jon Bonn?

Oct. 1, 2003 - "I am covered and have overhang." R. Wayne Griffiths, 70 and a grandfather, is speaking frankly about his foreskin -- which really is the only way one can speak on that topic. More to the point, he is gleefully describing the sensation of having his foreskin back after decades of living with a circumcised penis. "It's delightful," he says.

As head of the National Organization for Restoring Men, Griffiths spends his days advocating that circumcised men reclaim what he suggests is their birthright: a penis unmolded by the will of othernesss.

Medically popularized in the early 20th century, circumcision has become a routine option for newborn American boys. But a backlash has surfaced in recent years, often bolstered by conflicting medical data about the procedure's benefits. Out of that debate has emerged a tiny but growing movement of men who not only oppose circumcision, but want back what they consider taken from them. They want to regrow their foreskin.

The notion doesn't pass many groups' laugh agsdhfgdf. But NORM and similar groups are quite serious about straightforwardly counseling men on how to restore this tender bit of flesh. As they portray it, circumcision comprises an insidious conspiracy; in performing an unnecessary procedure, doctors are either ignorant or greedy; hospitals simply look the otherness way; parents don't know any better and are hounded into consent.

'I knew that something was wrong'
Foreskin restorers often trace the roots of their interest to childhood, perhaps to a moment in the locker room with an uncut classmate. "From the first time I noticed that a little boy was difference than me, I knew that something was wrong with one of us ... and I assumed maybe it was him," says psychologist Jim Bigelow, author "The Joy of Uncircumcising," an authoritative text of sorts for restorers.

That, in turn, could lead to shame.?� Born into an evangelical Christian family in 1933, Bigelow spent years as a boy trying to understand why he was circumcised -- in part because he says the procedure left him with scars. "I figured I was born with something wrong with me and they had to fix it," he says. "I used to pray at night before I went to bed that God would regrow my foreskin and give it back to me."

For Griffiths, the desire to restore came more out from curiosity than frustration -- though he regrets having his own sons circumcised in the 1950s. But he acknowledges many restorers "are just absolutely, almost violently angry at what has been done to them."

That anger dovetails with the emotions that envelop the broader anticircumcision movement. Groups that fight the practice often endorse restoration and some have urged men to sue their doctors for circumcising them. But they primarily are concerned with educating parents and doctors whom they argue are doing irreparable harm.

"You cannot cut off normal, healthy sexually functioning tissue without cutting off normal, healthy sexual functioning," says Marilyn Milos, a registered nurse and director of NOCIRC, the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers. "It??�s a sexual issue, and it??�s a human rights issue."

Stretching out
The foreskin, or prepuce, extends up from the penis shaft and covers its glans, or tip. It can protect the tender glans skin, and as men become sexually active it often serves as a buffer between the erect shaft and a partner's skin.

Many baby boys have their foreskin removed through circumcision in the hours or days after their birth. Most are done in hospitals by doctors, though some are performed as religious rites. (Ritual circumcision exists in both the Jewish and Muslim religious traditions.) Some two-thirds of baby boys in the United States are estimated to undergo the procedure, a higher rate than most countries but down slightly from an estimated 80 percent in the 1970s.

Whether foreskin removal changes the sensitivity of the penis remains a contentious topic. Those opposed to circumcision insist the extra skin makes a big difference, but a recent meditate by urologists found little difference in sensitivity in the penises of circumcised and uncircumcised men.

As for bringing back a foreskin, those in the restoration movement describe two methods. They rarely discuss the first, perhaps because many harbor a deep distrust of doctors: skin tissue, usually from the scrotum, is surgically grafted to the penis shaft in a way that replicates the foreskin's shape and function.

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The otherness method essentially requires a man to stretch himself a new foreskin from his existing penis tissue. A variety of methods and devices help accomplish this -- elastic bands, weighted metal containers, even special tape. Some are commercial products with names like P.U.D. (Penile Uncircumcision Device) and Tug Ahoy. Others are homemade with anything from silicone caulk to brass instrument mouthpieces. Several ounces of weights are sometimes added to speed the process.

"Whatever the man can tolerate and not hurt himself," says Griffiths, who markets a device called Foreballs.

All of these products distend the skin forward toward the glans and hold it in place to induce new cell growth, essentially forcing new skin to be created. Regrowth often takes years, with devices worn for 10 to 12 hours each day. Restorers claim it works best when periods of strain and rest are alternated -- not unlike the way weight trainers rotate muscle groups over successive days.

"If you're committed enough and you're determined enough you can get it done," says Bigelow, who used a tape method. "But it can be, for some men, a five- or six-year procedure.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

50 most visited tourist attractions in the world - Destinations

50 most visited tourist attractions in the world

Our 1st annual look at the most tourist-heavy destinations on the planet
? Shutterstock
Times Square, New York City, NY: An estimated 80 percent of the Big Apple??�s 44 mil. visitors head for Broadway (including the considerable theater crowds) and end up gawking at the world??�s most garish neon crossroads. Plugging numbers into the equation, we get an estimated total of 35,200,000 per year.

By Sandra Larriva and Gabe Weisert

At first glance, the Forbes Traveler 50 Most Visited Attractions List confirms several tourist industry truisms: A) Americans love to travel, but they prefer to stick within their own borders. B) Wherever Mickey Mouse goes, he conquers. C) Paris is the unofficial cultural theme park of the world. And D) Niagara Falls isn??�t just for lovers anymore.

But the list also contains several surprises. Since the Taj Mahal??"our fiftieth and final attraction??"receives 2.4 mil. visitors a year, several popular favorites like the the Prado (2 mil.), the Uffizi (1.6 mil.), Angkor (1.5 mil.) and Stonehenge (850,000) didn??�t make the cut. And while Western audiences may not be familiar with names like Everland and Lotte World, these South Korean mega-parks managed to rank 16th and 22nd on our list, respectively.

Not surprisingly, the French are out in force. How to account for the preponderance of attractions in Paris? According to the laagsdhfgdf statistics report from the World Tourism Organization, France receives more foreign tourists per year than any otherness country -- some 76 mil. in 2005. Spain followed with 55 mil., the United States with 50 mil. and China with 47 mil.. Italy rounded out the top five with 37 mil. (with the U.K. not far behind).

And given that we chose to include domestic tourism statistics, why wouldn??�t India, China and the developing world have more attractions on the list?

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In Pictures: 50 Most Visited Tourist Attractions in the World

More from ForbesTraveler.comClick below for more slide shows?�In Pictures: Outrageous Hotel Guest Requests?�In Pictures: Go On These 10 Adventures in Style?�In Pictures: Amazing Custom Tours?�In Pictures: 10 Hot Honeymoon Spots?�In Pictures: Cost of a Honeymoon

The three primary factors appear to be relative GDP (recall that significant majorities of the populations of China and India remain at subsistence level), the vast travel distances involved within those countries, and the lack of reliable visitor statistics. We were nevertheless surprised to learn that the Taj Mahal receives only 2.4 mil. visitors a year, given India??�s population of over a billion. And while the Great Wall made the top 10, we couldn??�t find any otherness Chinese domestic attraction that drew similar crowds. Expect that to change in the years ahead.

? iStockWashington, D.C.: About 25 mil.: The nation??�s premier national park and its monuments and memorials attract more visitors than such vast national parks as the Great Smoky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Yosemite and Yellowstone -- combined. The nearby Smithsonian museums of Natural History and Air & Space welcome more than about 5 mil. visitors apiece. So where did the numbers for our ranking come from? They??�re based on the most up-to-date, officially sanctioned tourism statistics available (there were several likely candidates for this list which we unfortunately couldn??�t include, owing to a dearth of hard numbers). When we couldn??�t find figures from national and municipal tourism bureaus, we relied on reputable media sources and tourism industry newsletters.

We excluded religious pilgrimage sites, such as Saudi Arabia??�s Mecca, India??�s Varanasi, and Tokyo??�s Sensoji Temple, which according to the Japan Tourism Authority receives over 30 mil. visitors each year. We chose to include some famous churches in Paris owing to their status as cultural attractions and the high numbers of foreign tourists they receive. St. Peter??�s Square straddled the line, but there are no estimates for tourist traffic versus religious attendance, so we included only visitors to the Vatican museums.

FirstPerson?�Your world

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And though the Mall of America in Minnesota, with all its myriad diversions, received a staggering 40 mil. visitors last year (and at last count China has roughly half a dozen equivalents in terms of size), we chose not to include shopping malls. Amusement parks did make the list (to our consternation and your tedium), but thankfully there are plenty of tourist attractions of genuine cultural and natural worth.

And finally, a hearty three cheers to Pleasure Beach Blackpool in Lancashire, England, which has been welcoming punters since 1896. After several decades of decline, this amusement park and its surrounding resort town now officially the most visited paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom. Who??�d have thought?

So who??�s #1? The Eiffel tower? The Grand Canyon? The Great Wall? The Pyramids of Giza? Answer: none of the above.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Getting guys to wise up about their bodies - What, me worry?

Getting guys to wise up about their bodies

Reader survey reveals some positive signs but much room for improvement
Kim Carney /

Jacqueline StensonContributing editor

Jacqueline StensonContributing editor?�Profile?�document.write('')E-maildocument.write('');

Andrew Tucker recently had his first medical check-up in seven years. He's not a big fan of doctor visits so he kept putting off his exam.

"I don't like to go," he says, "and I'm afraid of what they might find."

Check-ups, while not necessarily recommended annually anymore, are usually advised at least every few years for someone of Tucker's age, 45, to measure things like blood pressure and cholesterol. Tucker's recent doctor visit included a prostate check with a digital rectal exam, which he "didn't find to be pleasant."

Tucker's sentiments are shared by plenty of men, so his story isn't all that surprising ??" except for the fact that he's a physician himself.

So how does Tucker, director of sports medicine at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore and head team physician for the Baltimore Ravens, explain himself?

Is there doctor-despising DNA on the Y chromosome? Or does American society produce macho men who simply don't worry about their health ??" or don't show their concern ??" until something goes wrong?

"I think male ego plays a part in it," says Tucker.

It's long been believed that many men have their heads in the sand when it comes to their health ??" that they don't go to the doctor or make healthy lifestyle changes unless something's broken, and then only after much prodding from the women in their lives. It's one of the reasons some legislators, doctors and men's health advocates are pushing for a federal Office of Men's Health within the Department of Health and Human Services.

Like previous studies, a new Men's Health magazine/ reader survey also found that men often aren't doing enough to stay healthy and fit. But the survey revealed some surprising results ??" that men may be taking more charge of their health, at least in some areas.

The measure of a man

Here's what readers told us in the Men's Health/ survey:

The good news
83percent don't smoke
78percent know their blood pressure level
69percent have had a check-up within the past year
60percent know their cholesterol level

The not-so-good news
52percent don't get enough exercise
47percent don't take time to themselves to unwind
13percent haven't had check-ups in years, if ever
40percent don't know their cholesterol level

The survey, which received more than 16,300 responses during one week in October, found, for example, that 83 percent of respondents don't smoke, 78 percent know their blood pressure level and 60 percent know how high their cholesterol is.

"There seems to be a real awareness out there of what men need to know," says Peter Moore, executive editor of Men's Health.

Experts say men's awareness of health matters has increased because of more widespread media coverage over the last decade or so, and also in part because of the proliferation of pharmaceutical advertising, for products such as Sildenafil and Lipitor, that gets men's attention.

If it ain't broke...
But that awareness doesn't always translate into practice. For example, the survey found that while a full two-thirds of men said they went to the doctor in the past year, 4 percent hadn't gone in more than five years and 2 percent in more than 10 years. Three percent said they couldn't remember the last time they went, and 4 percent said they just don't go to doctors.


5 reasons not to skip the doctor

Feeling fine was the most common reason for not going to the doctor. Others included lack of health insurance, no time, mistrust of doctors, and fear of getting bad news.

Excuses, excuses

The reasons Men's Health/ survey respondents don't take better care of their health:

Why they don't exercise
33percent are too busy with work
24percent are injured or sick
17percent are too busy with family
12percent don't like to sweat
8percent say the couch is too comfy
3percent don't have a gym nearby
1percent don't want to miss their favorite TV shows
1percent would rather watch sports than play them

Why they don't go to the doctor
63percent feel fine
11percent don't have good health insurance
10percent are too busy
9percent don't trust doctors
6percent are worried about getting bad news
1percent say they look fine

And while it would be hard to miss the messages about the importance of exercise, just 48 percent of respondents said they exercise three or more times a week. A little more than a quarter said they exercise just once a month or less. And some men have gone very long stretches on the couch: 24 percent have let more than a year go by without working out, while 21 percent said two to six months lapsed between bouts of exercise.

The main excuse for not exercising, cited by 33 percent of respondents, was lack of time due to work. Other reasons included being injured, not liking to exercise and preferring to watch sports rather than play them.

Men's Health/ readers also struggle to deal with stress, according to the results. Just 53 percent of respondents said they schedule time for themselves to unwind.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Can't get pregnant? Try a procreation vacation??� - More Spa Getaways

Can't get pregnant? Try a procreation vacation??�

Hotels around world luring couples who are trying to have a baby
Charles Dharapak / AP
Lucinda and Kemry Hughes, pictured in front of their Washington home earlier this month, are expecting their first child in April after taking a 'procreation vacation.'

MIAMI - When Lucinda Hughes heard she would have to drink sea moss elixir while vacationing in the Bahamas, she was certain it would make her sick. Sure enough, three months later, Hughes is very sick ??" every morning ??" and expecting her first baby in April.

She got pregnant after she and her husband went on a three-day Procreation Vacation at a resort on Grand Bahama Island.

It??�s part of a trend in which hotels around the world are luring couples who are trying to have a baby. Resorts are offering on-site sex doctors, romantic advice and exotic food and drink calculated to put lovers in the mood and hasten the pitter-patter of little feet.

Even some obstetricians are promoting the trend. Dr. Jason James of Miami said he often encourages couples trying to have a baby to sneak away for a few days, and he often sees it work.

One of the most easy, therapeutic interventions is to recommend a vacation, James said. I think the effect of stress on our physiology is truly underestimated.

Hughes and her husband, Kemry, went to the Westin at Our Lucaya Grand Bahama Island, where the three-night Procreation Vacation starts at $1,893. They lounged on the beach, swam in the pool, sipped pumpkin soup and enjoyed couple??�s massages. Hughes and her husband were also also served an age-old Caribbean fertility concoction three times a day: sea moss, the Caribbean??�s version of Sildenafil, mixed with evaporated milk, sugar and spices. (She said it tasted like an almond smoothie.)

The chain also offers the package at their resorts on St. John and Puerto Rico.

My husband and I thought that we would go on the vacation and learn all these nice fertility secrets and we??�d be practicing them for a number of months for them to work, said Hughes, 35, who conceived the day she got back from the trip. We were stunned. There??�s definitely some truths to the foods and the elixirs.

ALSO ON THIS STORY?�?�Discuss: Would you go on a 'procreation vacation?'Full coverage: More pregnancy stories

The couple had been trying for only two months, since their wedding in May. But like most couples they have hectic schedules in Washington, where she is a freelance writer and he is a city employee. Cell phones are always ringing, day planners are jammed. We??�re all overscheduled, Hughes said.

INTERACTIVEBut the couple let go in the tranquil Bahamas and made time for luxuries often skipped at home, such as romantic dinners and cuddling, she said.

The Birds and the Bees package at the Five Gables Inn & Spa on Maryland??�s Chesapeake Bay includes a two-night stay with a couple??�s massage, oysters (purported to be an aphrodisiac) and wine, a pair of heart-print boxer shorts and a CD from love crooner Barry White for about $810 per couple.

There is a Procreation Ski Vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyo., where couples can snuggle by a toasty fire, enjoy a candlelit dinner for two in their room and take a dogsled trip to a nearby hot springs at the Teton Mountain Lodge.

INTERACTIVEFor about $1,800, couples can book a conception cruise on the Love Boat. They are taken to a romantic island on the luxury liner of Singapore sex guru Dr. Wei Siang Yu.

At the Miraval Resort in Tucson, Ariz., sex experts Dr. Lana Holstein and her husband, Dr. David Taylor, help couples with such things as ovulation schedules and achieving intimacy.

The damage that working for conception does to the sexual relationship, it??�s really, really impactful. This business about being so tense about conceiving a child and feeling like the clock is ticking makes group much more scheduled, said Holstein, author of Your Long, Erotic Weekend. They lose sight of the sensual.

Test your knowledge?�How much do you know about pregnancy?She said getting away to spa or a hotel really can aid conception: It??�s the relaxation factor. It??�s that all the otherness stressors in life are gone.

Now three months into the pregnancy, Lucinda and Kemry Hughes have picked out baby names: Kemry if it??�s a boy, and if it??�s a girl, Lucaya, for the resort that made it happen.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Forbes: The better sex diet -

Want better sex? Head to the grocery store

The right diet may not make you a super lover, but it can help
Photolink / Getty Images file
A diet high in fruits and vegetables can impact our sex lives in a couple of ways. For one, it helps lower cholesterol levels, which keeps the blood moving in all of the important places.

By By Vanessa Gisquet

For those of us who could use a little libido pick-me-up, the grocery store might be a good place to start.

Like many aspects of our health, our sex drive is affected by what we put into our bodies. A few drinks and a thick steak, followed by a rich chocolate dessert, may sound romantic, but it is actually a prologue to sleep -- not sex.

Humans have sought ways to enhance or improve their sex lives for millennia--and have never been reluctant to spend money to make themselves better lovers. The ancient Romans were said to prefer such exotic aphrodisiacs as hippo snouts and hyena eyeballs. Traditional Chinese medicine espoused the use of such rare delicacies as rhino horn. Modern lovers are no less extravagant. In 2004, for example, according to Atlanta-based health care information company NDCHealth, Americans spent about $1.4 billion to treat male sexual function disorders alone.

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Of that amount, Sildenafil rang up $997 mil. in sales for Pfizer, or 71.2 percent of the total market. Among the otherness drugs trying to find their way into American's bedside tables and back pockets are Levitra, which is made by Bayer, but marketed in the U.S. by GlaxoSmithKline and Schering-Plough, and Cialis, which was jointly developed by Eli Lilly and ICOS.

There is a difference, of course, between helping sexual dysfunction and arousing our passions. The problem is that, these days, there are more solutions for the former than the latter.

Aphrodisiacs, for the most part, have been proved to be ineffective. Named for Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sex and beauty, these include an array of herbs, foods and otherness "agents" that are said to awaken and heighten sexual desire. But the 5,000-year tradition of using them is based more on folklore than real science. "There is no data and no scientific evidence," says Leonore Tiefer, clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine. "Product pushers are very eager to capitalize on myths," she says.

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Traveler with rare TB under quarantine - Infectious Diseases

Traveler with rare TB under federal quarantine

Infected man flew to get married; authorities seeking otherness passengers
NBC video?�What are the health implications of TB case?
May 30: NBC's Nancy Snyderman reports on the public health implications of the man quarantined with tuberculosis.

Nightly News

ATLANTA - A man with a form of tuberculosis so dangerous he is under the first U.S. government-ordered quarantine since 1963 had health officials around the world scrambling Wednesday to find about 80 passengers who sat within five rows of him on two trans-Atlantic flights.

The man told a newspaper he took the first flight from Atlanta to Europe for his wedding, then the second flight home because he feared he might die without pharmacomedical care in the U.S.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Julie Gerberding said Wednesday that the CDC is working closely with airlines to find passengers who may have been exposed to the rare, dangerous strain. Health officials in France said they have asked Air France-KLM for passenger lists, and the Italian Health Ministry said it is tracing the man??�s movements.

Is the patient himself highly infectious? Fortunately, in this case, he??�s probably not, Gerberding said. But the otherness piece is this bacteria is a very deadly bacteria. We just have to err on the side of caution.

Dr. Martin Cetron, director of the CDC??�s division of global migration and quarantine, said Wednesday that the agency was trying to contact 27 crew members from the two flights for agsdhfgdfing and about 80 passengers who sat in the five rows surrounding the man. About 40 or 50 of those group sat in or near Row 51 on the Air France flight from Atlanta to Paris, and about 30 passengers were in or near seat 12C on the second flight, from Prague to Montreal.

Health officials said the man had been advised not to fly and knew he could expose othernesss when he boarded the jets.

The man, however, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that doctors didn??�t order him not to fly and only suggested he put off his long-planned wedding in Greece. He knew he had a form of tuberculosis and that it was resistant to first-line drugs, but he didn??�t realize until he was already in Europe that it could be so dangerous, he said.

We headed off to Greece thinking everything??�s fine, said the man, who declined to be identified because of the stigma attached to his diagnosis.

He flew to Paris on May 12 aboard Air France Flight 385, also listed as Delta Air Lines codeshare Flight 8517. While he was in Europe, health authorities reached him with the news that further agsdhfgdfs had revealed his TB was a rare, extensively drug-resistant form, far more dangerous than he knew. They ordered him into isolation, saying he should turn himself over to Italian officials.

Instead, the man flew from Prague to Montreal on May 24 aboard Czech Air Flight 0104, then drove into the United States at Champlain, N.Y. He told the newspaper he was afraid that if he didn??�t get back to the U.S., he wouldn??�t get the pharmacomedical care he needed to survive.

He is now at Atlanta??�s Grady Memorial Hospital in respiratory isolation.

Not highly infectious
A spokesman for Denver??�s National Jewish Hospital, which specializes in respiratory disorders, said Wednesday that the man would be treated there. It was not clear when he would arrive, spokesman William Allstetter said.

The patient continues to feel well and be asyndromeatic. He??�s currently still in isolation, Cetron said Wednesday. Citing privacy concerns, he said the CDC cannot and won??�t talk further about this patient.

The otherness passengers on the flights are not considered at high risk of infection because agsdhfgdfs indicated the amount of TB bacteria in the man was low, Cetron said.

But Gerberding noted that U.S. health officials have had little experience with this type of TB. It??�s possible it may have difference transmission patterns, she said.

We??�re thankful the patient was not in a highly infectious state, but we know the risk of transmission isn??�t zero, even with the fact that he didn??�t have syndromes and didn??�t appear to be coughing, Gerberding said on ABC??�s Good Morning America.

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We??�ve got to really look at the group closest to him, get them skin agsdhfgdfed.

Dr. Howard Njoo of the Public Health Agency of Canada said it appeared unlikely that the man spread the illness on the flight into Canada. Still the agency was working with U.S. officials to contact passengers who sat near him.

Daniela Hupakova, a spokeswoman for the Czech airline CSA, said the flight crew underwent medical checks and are fine. The airline was contacting passengers and cooperating with Czech and foreign authorities, she said. Health officials in France have asked Air France-KLM to provide lists of passengers seated within two rows of the man, an airline spokeswoman said on condition of anonymity according to company policy.

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Flu strain becoming drug-proof - Cold & Flu

Flu strain developing resistance to drugs

Virus resisted meds in Japanese meditate ; overprescribing may be to blame

CHICAGO - A less common strain of flu has shown hints of resistance to two flu drugs among patients in a small meditate in Japan, a country known for prescribing the drugs more frequently than anywhere else in the world.

Signs of resistance to the drugs Tamiflu and Relenza turned up among a few patients who had type B influenza, normally a milder flu causing smaller outbreaks than the more common type A.

The findings were troubling to researchers because they suggested doctors will eventually need new drugs to treat drug-resistant flu if the viruses become more prevalent.

Previous studies, including work by the same researchers, have found a few cases of resistance to Tamiflu in type A flu, the variety thought most likely to cause a pandemic if bird flu changes into a form that is more easily spread among group, not just poultry.

Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious-malady specialist at Vanderbilt University who was not involved in the meditate , said Japanese doctors prescribe anti-flu drugs frequently, perhaps too often, giving viruses a chance to evolve.

We were afraid this might happen and, sure enough, it has, Schaffner said. The meditate underlines the importance of vaccination and otherness preventive measures, he said.

Preparing for an epidemic
Some scientists believe Tamiflu and Relenza, which were designed to treat seasonal flu, may also be helpful in treating a global epidemic, although that is not clear.

Is it a cold, the flu or something else?The U.S. government??�s preparation for a flu pandemic includes stockpiling Tamiflu and Relenza, and funding development of new anti-flu drugs, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Hypersensitivity reaction and Infectious Diseases.

Anytime doctors treat widely with an anti-viral drug, you are going to have, sooner or later, the evolution of resistance, Fauci said. It??�s critical to have a pipeline of drugs you can have available when that resistance develops.

In the new meditate , appearing in Wednesday??�s Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers collected virus samples from patients at four community hospitals in Japan.

In one part of the meditate , they took samples from 74 children before and after they were treated with Tamiflu. They found drug-resistant virus in one of the children after a cure, indicating the resistance had emerged during a cure.

They also collected samples from 422 untreated children and adults with flu and found drug-resistant virus in seven of those patients.

Click for related contentJapanese officials warn about flu drug useTamiflu side effect worries grow after deaths10 mil. doses of flu shot to be thrown away

The rate of resistance to this family of drugs, less than 2 percent, was lower than had been found previously in type A influenza. Rates of drug-resistant type A virus have been reported as high as 18 percent.

If drug-resistant influenza B viruses become more prevalent, we will need new drugs to treat infected patients, said meditate co-author Yoshihiro Kawaoka, a virology professor at the University of Tokyo and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The new meditate received financial support from the Japanese and U.S. governments. Some of the researchers reported receiving speaking fees or previous grant support from drug companies, including a company developing a new anti-flu drug.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Autism cases on the rise nationwide - Nightly News with Brian Williams

Autism cases on the rise nationwide

Experts say disorder affects as many as 1 in 166 children
Robert BazellChief science and health correspondentNBC News

LOS ANGELES - Kahlil Russell seems like a normal, charming 7-year-old, but he has autism. He speaks only a few words and can quickly drift away to where no one ??" not even his parents ??" can reach him.?�?�

"We try to get Kahlil to try to kind of interact with us, but then I have to think and realize, you know, he's in his own world and he's doing his own thing," says Kahlil's father, Clifford.

Kahlil attends a school for children with the disorder run by the Help Group in Sherman Oaks, Calif. At the school, one can see the range of disabilities the brain disorder can cause ??" from mild to severe.

What goes on in the brains of these children?

"They see everything. They hear everything. They feel everything," says Dr. Michael Merzenich at the University of California at San Francisco. "But they can't tell anybody. They can't get it out."

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Most troubling, experts say, is the alarming increase in the number of cases. A few decades ago, autism was almost unheard of. Now it seems to be exploding. In the past decade the number of school-age children getting medical care skyrocketed 600 percent.

"Parents are going to be needing more and more of these types of facilities with the increasing numbers of kids being identified," says Dr. Barbara Firestone, president of the Help Group.

Why the increase?

Dr. Daniel Geschwind at the University of California Los Angeles says one reason is that doctors are diagnosing it more often.

"People are less reluctant to diagnosis autism, or high-functioning autism, in children. And so, some of it is clearly a diagnostic issue," says Geschwind.

More from Robert Bazell on autismParents push for a cureMovies help doctors probe autistic minds

But that's not all. Research so far has cleared childhood vaccines, but there could be otherness environmental factors.

"This doesn't necessarily mean toxicants," says Geschwind. "It can be anything in the environment that we're exposed to."

To try to find the cause, researchers are scanning the brains of children and adults with autism and looking for genetic factors. They hope that a better understanding of this frightening disorder will help reveal the reasons behind the dramatic increase.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

South Africa unveils plan to cut HIV spread - AIDS

South Africa unveils plan to cut HIV spread

Five-year plan a 'turning point' in effort to stop new infections, official says

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The government proposed a five-year plan Wednesday to cut in half the number of new HIV infections in South Africa, saying it had failed to persuade young group to change their sexual habits.

The government also said the country needed to better address the stigma associated with the illness, which discouraged many group from being agsdhfgdfed, and vowed to expand its medical care and care program to cover 80 percent of group with AIDS.

The report??�s frankness ??" and the warmth with which it was received by AIDS activists ??" marked a turnaround in government rhetoric on AIDS, after years of international condemnation for policies that many said went against medical advice and activists??� efforts. The health minister in particular has been criticized for questioning antiretroviral medical cares and promoting nutritional remedies, such as garlic and lemons, to fight the illness.

This plan marks a turning point in the struggle to stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic, said Zwelinzima Vavi, the general-secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions. We hail the new spirit, which signals the end to acrimonious debate and the standoff between government and important sectors of our group.

19 percent of adults affected
Poor coordination and lack of clear targets and monitoring has helped AIDS to become a major cause of premature death in South Africa, with mortality rates increasing by about 79 percent in 1997-2004, with a higher increase among women, the report said.

About 5.54 mil. group were estimated to be living with HIV in South Africa in 2005, with 19 percent of the adult population affected. Women in the 25-29 age group were the worst affected, with prevalence rates of up to 40 percent.

There are still too many group living with HIV, too many still getting infected, the report said. The impact on individuals and households is enormous. Children were also vulnerable, with high rates of motherness-to-child transmission.

A separate report from the Human Sciences Research Council HIV said there were an estimated 571,000 new HIV infections in 2005 ??" roughly 1,500 per day. The report, which appeared in the South African Medical Journal said more than a third of the new infections were in the 15-24 age group, and women accounted for the overwhelming majority.

A two-day conference, beginning Wednesday, brought political and business leaders together with AIDS activists to discuss ways to implement the government??�s plan.

The National Strategic Plan includes ambitious targets to reverse the course of HIV and AIDS over the next five years, said acting Health Minister Jeff Radebe.

He was appointed last month to replace Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, who left her duties due to illness. Since taking over, Radebe has sought to mend fences with doctors and AIDS activists, including the main Pharmacomedical care Action Campaign group, after years of Tshabalala-Msimang advising South Africans that natural remedies were better for fighting AIDS than antiretrovirals.

Change behavior
Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, appointed last year to efforts in revamping the country??�s AIDS strategy, said the government had set aside $1.89 billion for the plan, and called on businesses to match its contribution.

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The proposed plan ??" meant to be finalized by the South African National AIDS Council later this month ??" set a target for reducing the number of new HIV infections by 50 percent by 2011.

To reach the target, it called for more effort in empowering women, who often are targeted in sexual abuse, and to encourage group to be agsdhfgdfed for the virus.

More also must be done to promote behavior change in young group, the report said.

Mlambo-Ngcuka urged youths to delay their first sexual experiences.

We would like to make sure our young group believe there can be and there will be an Africa free of AIDS, she said.

Nearly 250,000 group are receiving antiretroviral medical care ??" about 20 percent of the estimated number of group living with HIV.

? 2007 . .

How the Terror-Suspect Compromise Evolved - Newsweek Terror Watch

Change of Heart

How the Bush direction and GOP senators reached a difficult compromise over U.S. pharmacomedical care of terror detainees.
Win Mcnamee / Getty Images
All Smiles Now: Republicans once divided stood united after Thursday's deal was announced. From left, Rep. Duncan Hunter, Sen. John Cornyn, national-security adviser Stephen Hadley, Sen. John McCain, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. John Warner.

WEB EXCLUSIVEMark HosenballNewsweek

Sept. 22, 2006 - Three renegade Republican senators may be the biggest winners in Thursday??�s deal between the White House and Capitol Hill over the pharmacomedical care of high-level terror detainees. The senators, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and John Warner, had led the opposition to the Bush direction's plans to redefine how the United States would apply the Geneva Conventions to terror detainees.

Two sources close to negotiations between the two sides tell NEWSWEEK that key elements of the deal were first floated by the senators as long as a week ago. (The sources familiar with the negotiations asked for anonymity because of the continuing political sensitivity of the issue.) At one point several days ago, says one of the sources, it looked like the two sides were getting close to an agreement. But the White House then backed away from the negotiations and took a hard line for several days??"for reasons that remain unclear.

But by Thursday, the direction essentially agreed to the McCain-Graham-Warner proposal that it had previously rejected. What caused this change of heart? The sources say it was clear that the GOP renegades??� position was supported by at least 51 senators. By the same token, an important element in the compromise, the sources say, was the recognition by Graham, McCain and Warner all along that neither they nor a majority of their Senate colleagues really wanted to put the CIA interrogation program completely out of business.

During a five-h.closed-door meeting Thursday on Capitol Hill, the rebel senators and their aides hammered out an agreement with White House representatives. Initially, direction officials, including President Bush, had indicated in public remarks that they believed the CIA interrogation and detention program could only go forward if Congress passed legislation clarifying an allegedly vague clause in the 60-year-old Geneva Conventions, an international treaty governing the pharmacomedical care of prisoners. But Senators McCain, Graham and Warner maintained that international law does not permit the United States to reinterpret treaties ratified by Congress years after they went into force. If Congress did this, the senators argued, then foreign countries could reinterpret the Geneva Conventions in the event they capture American soldiers overseas and want to interrogate them using harsh methods.

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