Tuesday, May 13, 2008

VAP Test Helps Researchers Uncover Best Cholesterol Lowering Treatment For Type II Diabetes

Gastrooesophageal reflux happens when the muscular sphincter (valve) linking the stomach and the oesophagus chill out, allowing food and digestive juice in the stomach to travel back up the oesophagus. Having a in depth stomach cause this more potential to crop up in locate of this lay added strain by the use of the players of the spout.

Prescriber's Letter also address anotherness sound out angle by this study. People want to know if the heart attack risk is a "class-effect" that will be observed with Actos. This study does not answer this question since it do not gawp at Actos. Anotherness in particular debate study recommend that Actos (Actos (Pioglitazone)) may in actual fact downsize heart attack and stroke. But the jury is increasingly immensely out high than whether all the drugs here glitazone class front part to cardiovascular complications.

Right Direction Chocolate Chip Cookies immoral cholesterol and fire up lipid subfraction profile, lower the danger of heart malady, according to a published analysis within The Journal of Nutrition (October). The auburn shred cookies, made subsequent to a concurrence of psyllium and factory sterols, be a appetizing all-natural stance to reducing cardiovascular risk associated with cholesterol.

"Among diabetic patients with multiple lipid abnormality, the combination medical care of a statin and a fibrate, not merely be consummate to any agent alone in doing superbly the common lipid signpost of LDL (the unpromising cholesterol), HDL (the well-mannered cholesterol) and triglycerides, it was also superior in reducing a range of the more atherogenic lipid profile detectable through the use of the VAP assay," explain study coauthor Joseph B. Muhlestein, M.D. "Most importantly, it crucially lower the overall staunchness of dissimilar atherogenic lipid bit and also reduced the levels of Lp(a), an mega tough to treat marker of cardiovascular risk. This information increase the odds that combination lipid medical care here glorious risk population may bring in carping long-term clinical pro." The VAP Test provide researchers and medical professionals with purport breadth of LDL, HDL and all to the point subclasses, emerging risk factor (such in rod of Lp(a), LDL model, density and size) and severe calculation all for LDL components.

Researchers found that among 13,000 postmenopausal women, those close the slowest walking speed be 69 % more authentic to suffer a stroke over the subsequent five years than women with the quickest gait.

Atherotech Chief Medical Officer James Ehrlich, M.D., said VAP technology own be previously own in greater than 100 clinical trail and will continue to gambol an principal role as a valuable analytical research bradawl.

The authors analyzed a survey form that chronicle 116 visits to 97 physician by pharmaceutical sales representatives from 1995 to 1999. The form be collected by a open market research dogged and become unclaimed to the researchers in function of the effect of a lawsuit antagonistic Parke-Davis, the initiator of gabapentin. The lawsuit was bring by a previous beneficiary of staff who alleged that the company promote gabapentin, which it sold underneath the autograph Neurontin, for uses not properly approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Atherotech is a cardio-diagnostic peace focus on direct measurement of the broad lipid panel using the company's patented VAP Technology. The VAP Test accurately measures the cholesterol contented of all lipids, components and subclasses. It is the foremost cholesterol profile to comply with updated National Cholesterol Education Program ATP III recommendation calling for more accurate, direct low-density lipoprotein (LDL) measurement, which is unmovable by triglycerides. The VAP Cholesterol Test -- the stirring to date standard of fastidiousness for patients at risk for cardiovascular -- is going spare through national and regional diagnostic laboratories and is reimburse by most payers as markedly well as Medicare. For more information, look in Atherotech, Inc.

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